Saturday 4 June 2011

Race 2: Phakisa

Race2 is a done deal! A more consistent start for all the Bikefin Honda riders saw all three the riders battle it out for the top spot. Young gun Brent Harran had a tough battle out in the front and in the end finished in a solid second. Clinton Seller finished in fourth and Lance Isaacs came home in seventh. The tyre rule was agains...t the team in this race but at the next event will be changed to be just as it was initially intended to read. Overall results places Bikefin Honda’s Clinton Seller 2nd, missing first by 1 second, Lance Isaacs 6th and due to the unfortunate mishap in race 1, Brent Harran 17th. Although we would’ve wanted the same results on race day as practise, the team is in good spirit and are looking forward to the next race in August at the Aldo Scribante raceway in Port Elizabeth

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